Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hiking Walton Castle

Thursday 27 March, 1924-I went eastward and had almost begun to despair of ever escaping the residential streets beyond Dial Hill when suddenly as in a vision the whole thing, so to speak, fell to pieces before me. Ahead was a smooth grassed down with a ruined castle on top - Walton Castle they call it. To my right was a long level bank of a wooded hill with a sudden sheer gorge through whose V shape I could see the inland country, flat as a table and blue with distance. I scrambled up the green hill to my left, which is occupied by a golf links and open to all men: that is the one good thing I know of golfers, that they keep stretches of fine country from being spoiled.

After a stiff climb over spongy, rabbitty grass with grey stone showing through here and there, I reached the castle. Its appearance and position are more like a boy's dream of a mediaeval castle than anything I have ever seen. After I had walked all over the shaved turf of the courtyard and been into the roofless keep and watched the clouds hurrying across the circle of open sky at the top, I came out into the wind again and continued my walk on a path which runs along the very top of this long hill, so that I had a good view of the valleys on each side...

Then by road to my left till I struck the coast and began coming homewards across fields that sloped down through gorse to the water's edge. [...] I ran down nearly to the rocks and sat down for a moment amid the gorse. I was out of the wind. The sun grew hot. A big tramp [steamer] was anchored just below me. I have seldom had a better moment...
~C.S. Lewis, All My Road Before Me: The Diary of C.S. Lewis 1922 - 1927, edited by Walter Hooper (1991)

Link of the day: Rent Walton Castle

3 Comment(s):

At Thu Mar 22, 06:06:00 AM EDT, Blogger Roger Parkinson said...

If I've done the sums right (which is unlikely) then it is cheaper than where I'm staying now. I divide the monthly rate by 8 and then the result by 30 to get a nightly rate.

I expect people rent it and then let out the rooms.

At Thu Mar 22, 12:27:00 PM EDT, Blogger Arevanye said...

"The rental rates for this property are quoted in GBP per property per month."

15,000 GBP = $29,277 USD per month, as I read it. That comes out to about $950 per night. That's some fancy schmancy place you're staying, Mr. Kimi!

At Sat May 10, 09:24:00 PM EDT, Blogger mike said...

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