Friday, February 04, 2005

Clam Jamfrey?

Lewis enthusiastically writes in Mock Tudor English to E.R. Eddison, after reading his novel The Worm Ouroboros (1922):

In the which booke hauing now read soe fare as to the downfalle and ruinacion of Garsee, I were much to blame yf I dyde not do you to wit that in my censure this is the most noble and ioyous book I haue read these ten yeres. Insomuch that if (wh. heuen forbidde) I were its ounlie reder, yet the ioye you hadde in the inventioun and indyting of the said book and I in the reading in it sholde of themselves alone vtterlie outweigh and ouergoe all the clam jamfrey and whymperinges of the rakehellie auctours in these latter daies, as the Eliots, Poundes, Lawrences, Audens, and the like.

In good truth, Brother, there is a srewde lack in your book whereof I made bold a little to snibbe you, in that it conteineth no mappe-monnde or card, which were a thing verie necessarie to him that wolde perfectlie vnderstonde all the diverse voyage and traveles, and the whereabouts of all havens, seas, nesses, mountains, straits, rivers, frithes and cities. Item, a table genealogicall sholde have been no small light, and either of these more nedefull than the naked deliverie of times by yeres wherewith you haue garnysshed it.

But there is nothing mortal in that hath not his faults. Sir, by these lettres you shall vnderstonde my verie good will and gratitude, and also that there are oon or two faste frends of myne who still, in this duncicall age, delight in noble bookes, that is in straunge adventures, heroicall feates, good maneres, and the report of ferne londes. When yf it sorts with your occasions euere to visit in my poor houe and colledge of Sta Marie Maudlin, doubt not to haue the best chere and feste we can or mai deuyse. From
Your obliged obedient
C.S. Lewis
(The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis: Volume II, Letter of 16 November 1942)

Cool link of the day: The Worm Ouroboros (complete text online)

1 Comment(s):

At Fri Feb 04, 06:49:00 AM EST, Blogger Arevanye said...

Just so you know, the spell checker is curled up and whimpering in the corner. Do you think I've permanently traumatized it?


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