Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Reminiscing About Lewis

Today I decided not to share quotes by Lewis, but ones about Lewis, first by Erik Routley, from the book C.S. Lewis at the Breakfast Table, and Other Reminiscences:

I know myself what others know far better--how unfailingly courteous Lewis was in answering letters. I think I corresponded with him on three or four occasions. ..But there was a reply every time--it might be quite brief, but it was always written for you and for nobody else.

I think this was his greatest secret. He hated casual contacts; human contact must, for him, be serious and concentrated and attentive, or it was better avoided. It might be for a moment only, but that was its invariable quality.

That is not only why so many people have precious memories of him; it is also why he couldn't write three words without the reader's feeling that they were written for him and him alone. It's why his massive books of scholarship read as delightfully as his children's stories, and why he's one of the few preachers who can be read without losing their message."
~Erik Routley, "A Prophet", C.S. Lewis at the Breakfast Table and Other Reminiscences

And here is one written by A.C. Harwood:

"He was a wonderful guest to have in the house, and always wrote the most charming bread-and-butter letters to his hostess. He is said to have regretted that he had had so little to do with children and indeed never felt at home with them. All I can say is that my own children adored him. He entered with complete seriousness into their concerns, swung with them on their swing, and went swimming with them, and delighted them by discoursing volubly on some philosophical subject the moment his head appeared after he had dived into the muddy Sussex water. He played with them the noble game of heads, bodies, and tails, and excelled everyone in his sketches or, when more literary games succeeded, his contributions were of course masterly."
~A.C. Harwood, "A Toast to His Memory", C.S. Lewis at the Breakfast Table and Other Reminiscences

On this day:

1931 Lewis returns to a belief “that Jesus Christ is the Son of God” while riding to Whipsnade Zoo in the sidecar of brother Warren’s motorcycle.

4 Comment(s):

At Tue Sep 28, 06:30:00 PM EST, Blogger Arevanye said...

I taped "The Question of God", but I have only managed to get halfway through it so far. Excellent program--very interesting! I knew absolutely nothing about Sigmund Freud's life, so I was surprised to see that his family were such devout Jews. What did you think of his family, Sandi? His father seemed to really be trying to bring Sigmund back to their faith--I wonder what it would be like to be so steeped in one's religion, then have one's only child become a staunch atheist.

At Tue Sep 28, 07:05:00 PM EST, Blogger Arevanye said...

And yes, Tag-Board.Com seems to be AWOL for the moment!

At Wed Sep 29, 03:09:00 AM EST, Blogger Arborfield said...

Arevanye, just received a copy of Lenten Lands... Douglas Gresham's 'autobiography'. Interesting, particularly about the time in the Kilns. Incidentally, did I mention that I visited the Kilns in August?

At Wed Sep 29, 05:51:00 AM EST, Blogger Arevanye said...

Hi Roger! Nice to see you at "The Window".

I saw the blurb for "Lenten Lands" on Amazon, but my book purchases of late have been waaaay over budget. You will have to let us all know if it is a worthwhile read.

The Kilns! Yes, I want to hear all about it. Unfortunately this week I am working full time at my daughters' school, so I won't be available via I.M. Perhaps early next week--or would you like to post a trip report on "The Window"? I'm sure our other visitors would be intrigued to hear your impressions. If you'd like to post something, just shoot me an email.


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